Sunday, November 6, 2011


What is this Blog really about?

This is my journal about my three weeks experiment with Praying for Gods Divine Love. I decided to keep a journal, telling about my experiences along the way and hopefully one day I can say, that I actually FELT Gods Divine Love.

Every day in the morning I sit down, close my eyes and focus on a place deep inside, my heart, my soul. I feel a bit tensed, since I know that I am soon beginning to Pray, and this is new and odd to my mind, so I need a little time to settle into this. I start by breathing deeply, which immediately brings me into my body. Then I take my journal. A beautiful book, since that is important to me. And I start writing. I write for about half an hour. I write about everything that comes to me, and it is my preparation for Prayer.

My posts are these writings - my conversations with God you might say. I feel He is listening. One day I might be able to hear Him speak to me.

After my writing I Pray the Divine Love Prayer. I say this Prayer from my heart, as truthfully as I possibly can. Sometimes there are doubts along the way, and sometimes my mind slips in, asking me what I am doing? I answer respectfully by continuing my Prayer. And sometimes I feel really, really soft inside. I give thanks to this feeling of softness. I feel this softness must be Love flowing into my Heart.

You are most welcome to follow me journey through my "Great Experiment". You might even want to try for yourself. Your comments, thoughts and feelings are most welcome.

I wish to express my love and gratitude to Geoff from A Spiritual Journey. On his website I found so much interesting stuff, reviews of books, many of them for free download, messages, links to other sites. This is where I found the "Great Experiment". Geoff also answers my questions, which I really appreciate, because my beliefs about many aspects of life here and beyond are being challenged.



  1. Bravo Connie! What a beautiful beginning that you are embarking on -- and what a fantastic practice to write in your journal as a means of preparing yourself for Prayer. Actually, it seems that your journaling IS prayer also. But I agree with what you are saying. I shall follow your great experiment! With love - Joseph

  2. Hi dear Joseph, I so appreciate your encouragement, Love Always, Connie
